Subsequently, however, Brent values weakened, thus hurting the economics of those refineries that bought barrels at a fixed price, but favoring those that bought at formula pricing.
The higher June export duty pushed the export netback, used as a gauge by Russian traders, down slightly, but that could not mitigate the impact of the other factors.
"Four years ago the dollar was half of what it costs now, so everything was half of the current prices," said another source.
Prices were heard in the range of the tender, around Rb28,400-28,600/mt for both Urals and Siberian Light. Some minor shortages were heard of light crude but eventually buyers were perceived to have covered their requirements, with some opting predominantly for volumes under long-term contracts.
布伦特原油在6月开始生意业务时约为76-79美元/桶,而5月原油生意业务时为74- 75美元/桶。
Russian refineries have increasingly been moving away from the spot market, where crude changes hands at a fixed price, to formula-based purchases of crude for processing, though some small facilities still buy as much as 70% on the spot market.
Spot prices for Russian domestic crude oil for June loading and delivery were around Rb2,500/mt ($40.3/mt) higher month on month, tracking the firmer Brent market and a weaker ruble.
"Those who bought on a formula basis are better off," said another source.
The June price increase was further compounded by a weakening ruble, which traders said became detached from crude prices. Typically the ruble strengthens along with crude, but it has been weakening in recent months, possibly due the impact of fresh sanctions.
Rosneft awarded its Udmurtia tender at Rb28,415-28,505/mt, according to traders. The results of Rosneft's monthly tender and traded volumes typically define the trend for subsequent spot trading of domestic crude. Prices were around Rb2,500/mt higher month on month. The company last month sold 30,000 mt of Udmurtia crude from the Volga region at Rb26,080/mt.
"It affected negatively economics but trading went ahead at high Brent values," said one trader.
Brent was around $76-79/b when trading of June barrels started compared with $74-$75/b when trading of May barrels was underway.
中国石化新闻网讯 据伦敦普氏能源资讯6月7日动静,6月俄罗斯海内原油现货价值较上月上涨约每吨2500卢布(合每吨40.3美元),尾随布伦特市场走强和卢布走弱。
The export duty on Russia's main Urals crude grade was set at $131.80/mt for June, up from $118.50/mt in May.
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