Due to the limited visibility of the reliability target at(3)
Historically, most of the new investment in renewable energy generation is being guided by the Renewable Energy Target (RET) and financed by Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs), an intangible tradable asset created for the purpose of the RET scheme. By contrast, the deals which are currently being done are effectively valuing income from LGCs at very low levels, especially for years after 2022, when the targets under the RET will have been fully met and the market is forecast to be saturated with LGCs. The ESB has indicated that the RET scheme will continue in effect until the end of 2030 and electricity contracted for the purposes of the RET scheme would not be treated differently to new generation coming to market after the introduction of the emissions guarantee.
Impact of the NEG on the Renewable Energy Target scheme
For over a decade, the Australian energy industry has been dealing with an energy trilemma of how to transition to sources of energy that are affordable, reliable and clean. During this period, household electricity prices have more than doubled, South Australia had a statewide blackout (in 2016) and in 2017 there were load-shedding events in New South Wales. Of course, Australia also committed under the Paris Agreement to reduce its carbon emissions by 26-28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.
The implementation of the new reliability and emissions standards may open up new markets for Chinese power developers of interest. For example, wind and solar (with storage capacity), pumped hydro, gas or any other power supply with generation capacity reserve function that allows rapid dispatch at short notice. In the meantime, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar (with or without storage capacity), hydro and bio-energy will be needed to meet the emissions guarantee. Of course, demands for frequency control, network support and demand management services will also be increased as a result. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has recently identified grid scale batteries as providing excellent network support and control services, and is considering opening up a new market for this high performance support.
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