Due to the limited visibility of the reliability target at(4)
另外,依据方针打算,若是某企业是第一个(向发电商)购置高出或约为100MW上网电量的一方,则该企业将有义务在市场上购置证书并提交给相关禁锢机构。而保障打算采用的是“市场客户”认真制的观念,市场客户的界说包罗了电力零售商和直接在国度电力市场(National Electricity Market,NEM)注册的大客户, 以及需要同时作为上述发电商和大客户在国度电力市场注册的能源储存装备的业主/运营商(因此,就保障打算下的禁锢工具而言,本文所提及的“零售商”应该广义领略为所有上述企业)。
The ESB has noted in its most recent high-level design document that electricity contracted for the purposes of the RET scheme should not be treated differently to new generation coming to market after the introduction of the emissions guarantee. In other words, both should be able to be counted towards an entity's compliance with the emissions guarantee. Accordingly, if the emissions guarantee comes into force on 1 January 2020 as planned, there will be 10 years during which power generators and retailers who are also liable entities under the RET (mostly retailers) are required to comply with both schemes until the RET expires in 2030, while, significantly, generation which produces LGCs will also be able to count towards reducing a retailer’s average emissions intensity for the threshold under the NEG.
Practical implications for power generators/demand response providers
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